Mira 2015 - Basketing List for the Final Race
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Country Pigeon Ring Nr. Owner Championships
Germany 05950-95/15 Toni Deigner - Team Germany FCI Grand Prix
European Championship 
Germany 04858-1144/15 W. A. Waldow & S. Thiel - Team Germany FCI Grand Prix 
Germany 04858-1228/15 W. A. Waldow & S. Thiel - Team Germany FCI Grand Prix 
Germany 04858-1226/15 W. A. Waldow & S. Thiel - Team Germany FCI Grand Prix
European Championship 
Germany 04858-1143/15 W. A. Waldow & S. Thiel - Team Germany FCI Grand Prix
European Championship 
Germany 01217-255/15 Wilfried zur Loewen FCI Grand Prix 
Germany 01217-249/15 Wilfried zur Loewen FCI Grand Prix 
Austria 503-870/15 Alois Wiefler FCI Grand Prix
European Championship 
Austria 602-1027/15 Anna Maria Neag European Youth Championship 
Austria 602-1033/15 Anna Maria Neag European Youth Championship 
Austria 602-1052/15 Anna Maria Neag European Youth Championship 
Austria 602-1026/15 Anna Maria Neag European Youth Championship 
Austria 201-29/15 Anton Kluge European Championship 
Austria 201-19/15 Anton Kluge European Championship 
Austria 503-948/15 Bernadette Wasenegger European Championship 
Austria 308-1748/15 Ferenc Butyka European Championship 
Austria 602-1189/15 Franz Fuchs FCI Grand Prix
European Championship 
Austria 336-502/15 Franz Gamsjäger European Championship 
Austria 301-885/15 Franz Marchat European Championship 
Austria 320-442/15 Franz Stockinger European Championship 
Austria 607-23/15 Heinz Kainersdorfer FCI Grand Prix
European Championship 
Austria 101-4363/15 Josef Königshofer European Championship 
Austria 307-205/15 Josef Weitzbauer European Championship 
Austria 307-204/15 Josef Weitzbauer European Championship 
Austria 503-941/15 Kathrin Schropp European Youth Championship 
Austria 320-455/15 Leopold Lehner European Championship 
Austria 336-157/15 Leopold Riegler European Championship 
Austria 336-156/15 Leopold Riegler European Championship 
Austria 609-288/15 Marco Gratzer European Youth Championship 
Austria 609-281/15 Marco Gratzer European Youth Championship 
Austria 609-278/15 Marco Gratzer European Youth Championship 
Austria 602-575/15 Marco Zerner European Youth Championship 
Austria 602-569/15 Marco Zerner European Youth Championship 
Austria 301-877/15 Nicole Marchat European Youth Championship 
Austria 301-876/15 Nicole Marchat European Youth Championship 
Austria 318-1723/15 Sandra Markovic European Youth Championship 
Austria 318-1768/15 Sandra Markovic European Youth Championship 
Austria 318-1717/15 Sandra Markovic European Youth Championship 
Austria 05711-1359/15 Sarah Glanzer European Youth Championship 
Austria 503-943/15 Sarah Glanzer European Youth Championship 
Austria 503-926/15 Sarah Glanzer European Youth Championship 
Austria 602-579/15 Walter Zerner FCI Grand Prix
European Championship 
Austria 320-542/15 Wilhelm Adam European Championship 
Australia 996/14 3 Amigos FCI Grand Prix 
Australia 999/14 3 Amigos FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 6175209/15 Andre Roodhooft FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 4217448/15 Berckmoes Etienne FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 4217446/15 Berckmoes Etienne FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 4217450/15 Berckmoes Etienne FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 2266599/15 Bruninckx & Lenaerts FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 2266598/15 Bruninckx & Lenaerts FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 2266596/15 Bruninckx & Lenaerts FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 2185670/15 Buvens Roger European Championship 
Belgium 6074940/15 Ceusters Tamara European Youth Championship 
Belgium 3130423/15 Coone Robbe European Youth Championship 
Belgium 4025257/15 De Pauw Lorenzo European Youth Championship 
Belgium 6005255/15 De Scheemaecker Gebr. FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 6002386/15 De Scheemaecker Gebr. FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 1778289/15 Dr. Henk de Weerd Pigeons FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 1778298/15 Dr. Henk de Weerd Pigeons FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 1778277/15 Dr. Henk de Weerd Pigeons FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 1778332/15 Dr. Henk de Weerd Pigeons FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015432/15 Emiel Denys FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015421/15 Emiel Denys FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015361/15 Emiel Denys FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015439/15 Emiel Denys FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015146/15 Emiel Denys FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015176/15 Emiel Denys FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015429/15 Emiel Denys FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015437/15 Emiel Denys FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015905/15 Emiel Denys & Zhu Zhin FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015940/15 Emiel Denys & Zhu Zhin FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015933/15 Emiel Denys & Zhu Zhin FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015939/15 Emiel Denys & Zhu Zhin FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015908/15 Emiel Denys & Zhu Zhin FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015920/15 Emiel Denys & Zhu Zhin FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015923/15 Emiel Denys & Zhu Zhin / B FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3015372/15 Emiel Denys / B FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 1182393/15 Fourmanoir & Solas FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3016121/15 Galle & Wynants European Championship 
Belgium 3020337/15 Heindryckx Wilfried FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 4014277/15 Jaeger Freddy European Championship 
Belgium 1182402/15 Jean-Marie Colson FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 1182422/15 Jean-Marie Colson FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 1182404/15 Jean-Marie Colson FCI Grand Prix
Champions League 
Belgium 1182401/15 Jean-Marie Colson FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 1115073/15 Kersten Logan European Youth Championship 
Belgium 3061378/15 Mahieu Angelique European Youth Championship 
Belgium 2124801/15 Marsille Hadrien European Youth Championship 
Belgium 1120847/15 Philippens Pierre European Championship 
Belgium 1094136/15 Pierre Roger & David FCI Grand Prix
European Championship 
Belgium 4022846/15 Poppe & Ingels FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 4022851/15 Poppe & Ingels FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 4022869/15 Poppe & Ingels FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 4022848/15 Poppe & Ingels FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 4022843/15 Poppe & Ingels FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 1162573/15 Pourbaix Marnick European Youth Championship 
Belgium 6063457/15 Rik & Jan Hermans FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 6063459/15 Rik & Jan Hermans FCI Grand Prix 
Belgium 3019126/15 Schreel Dieter FCI Grand Prix 
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